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Player Piano Parts & Supplies
(Updated January 27, 2025)
Highest Quality - Fast Service - Money-Back Guarantee
We only ship to US addresses

Regarding shipping, items are combined into one order whenever possible to save on the cost of shipping. By default, most goods are shipped via USPS Priority Mail in Flat Rate boxes or envelopes with Delivery Confirmation. Unless otherwise noted, the Minimum Shipping charge is $10.95. To read our policy concerning our liability once an order has been shipped, click here. To read our Privacy Policy, please click here. To read our 'Returned Goods' policy, please click here.

For more detailed information about how we conduct business -click here.

88-note Player-Care Test Roll
Aeolian (Modern) Air Motor Manifold/Block
Aeolian (Modern) Hammer Return Springs
Aeolian (Modern) Power Cord
Aeolian (Modern) Trackerbar (85-note)
Aeolian - Duo-Art Valve Plates
Aeolian Upright Valve Plate Gaskets
Amphion Tempo Slide Plate
Ampico 'A' Drawer Hoses (set of 3)
Ampico 'A' Block Valve Gaskets
Ampico 'A' Block Valves (Later Version-Used)
Ampico 'A' Brake Disc (Transmission)
Ampico 'A' Crescendo Gaskets
Ampico 'A' Expression Valve Bushing
Ampico 'A' Function Switches
Ampico 'A' Intensity Valve Gaskets
Ampico 'A' Motor Mounts
Ampico 'A' Primary Valve Button
Ampico 'A' Pump Spill Valve Springs
Ampico 'A' Stack Flange
Ampico 'A' Take-Up Spool Bearing
Ampico 'A' Grand Tempo Slide Plate
Ampico 'A' Upright Tempo Slide Plate
Ampico 'A' Transmission Frame
Ampico 'A' Valve Block Springs
Ampico Valve Block Plates
Ampico 'A' Valve Block Seats (Intake)
Ampico 'B' Block Valve Gaskets
Ampico 'B' Expression Clamp Springs
Ampico 'B' Forward Roll Brake Drum
Ampico 'B' Play-Rewind Torsion Spring
Ampico 'B' Pump Crescendo or Spill Springs
Ampico 'B' Reroll Brake Drum
Ampico 'B' Switch Housing
Ampico 'B' Valve Block Seats (Intake)
Ampico 'B' Ball Bleed Cups
Ampico/Amphion Pneumatic Flange Finger
ArtEcho Function Switches
Bass Strings
Bellows Cloth
Blotter Paper for Gaskets
Brass Bleed Cups
Brass Tubing Elbows (Small)
Brass Tubing Connectors
Bridle Straps for Pianos
Bush & Lane Cecilian Gaskets
Bushing Cloth (Woven Felt)
Cabretta Leather
Connecting Straps (Rotary Pump)
Cork-Rubber (and Blotter) Gaskets
Countersunk Washers
Cremona/Seeburg Lamps
Die Cut and Laser Cut Gaskets
Dow Corning 111 Sealant
Duo-Art Valve Plates and Parts
End Tabs & D-Rings
Felt Pedal Cover
Felt Washers / Punchings
Fibre Backing Disks (for valves)
Flanged Fitting 1-1/4" OD
Flap Valve Leather (Strips)
Flat Pushbutton Springs (Spring-Steel)
Fluted Valve Stems
Force-Fit Collars
Gaskets for Valve Blocks, etc.
Gasket Materials
Gulbransen Cap Removal Tool
Hide Glue Crystals
Hypodermic Syringe
Invisible Piano (Flip Board) Hinges
Jig for Recovering Small Bellows
Kimball Electramatic Transmission Gear
Kimball (1920's) 'Screw-In' Valve Seats
Ladder Chain (for Air Motor & Transmission)
Lauter-Humana Intake Valve Facings
Leather for Gaskets
Leather Nuts (3/16"-1/2")
Lifter Disks for Pouches
Mandolin Rail Tabs
Mel-O-Dee Test Roll
Nelson-Wiggen decal
Neoprene Gasket Material
Packing Leather
Pedal Return Springs (Outward Pressure "V" Springs)
Pedal Webbing for Reed Organs or Hinges
PianoCorder Tape Deck (PT-100)
Piano-Lodeon Drive Belt
Phenoseal Plastic Sealer
Pinion Gear for Standard/Autopiano Transmission
Plastic Glue
Plastic 8 oz. Squeeze Bottle
Plastic "T" and "Y" Connectors (small)
Player-Care 88-note Test Roll
Pouch Setting Tool (Pouch Setter)
Pouch Springs (Straight)
Powdered Graphite
Primary Valve Buttons
Recordo Test Roll
Reducing Nipples
Regulating Buttons (wooden w/felt pad)
References, Service Manuals, Test Rolls
RTV Sealant for Pouches
Rubber Tubing / Twill Covered Hose
Signal Amplifier
Simplex Block Valve Caps
Simplex Block Valve Kit
Simplex & Wurlitzer Block Valve Gaskets
Spring Rail Felt
Spring-Steel Flat Pushbutton Springs
Standard Take-Up Spool
Standard Tracker Device Gasket Set
Standard Valve Guides
Standard Valve Parts
Straight Nipples (Tubing Connectors)
Striker Pneumatic Fingers
Suede Calf Skin
Tacks for bellows cloth
Technical Materials
Tempo Indicator Plates
Test Rolls for 88-note players
Tracker Valve Facings
Trackerbar Tubing Plastic "Y" Connectors (5/32" OD)
Training CDs and DVDs
Trackerbar Pump, Filter, and Tip
Tubing (Rubber and Twill Covered)
Tubing Elbows (Small)
Universal Drive Belt
Universal P-2 Circuit Board
Universal Power Cord
Universal Valve Facings & Valve Pushers
Used Take-Up Spools
Vacuum Gauge
Vacuum-Operated Standard Pouch Setting Tool
Vacuum-Operated Pouch Setting Tools (Various)
Vacuum-Operated Electric Switch
Valve Block Gaskets
Valve Gapping Tool
Wurlitzer Block Valve Caps
Problem Placing an Order -- Call 732-840-8787

These Cards Gladly Accepted
Discover, VISA, MasterCard, American Express.

Highest Quality - Fast Service - Money-Back Guarantee

Left-Over Player Piano Parts and Supplies: Since I no longer service or rebuild players, everything I've collected since 1972 is for sale. I have literally thousands of miscellaneous parts and supplies for player pianos; some new, some used. If you can't find it anywhere else, send me an email (click here) and I'll try to locate it for you.

For more detailed information about how we conduct business -click here.

Bellows Cloth

+++ Colors of the cloth may change but the quality will not +++
All cloth is sold by the RUNNING YARD (or Foot)
Width of each type of cloth varies
Minimum "Length" we'll cut for ALL Cloth is six inch increments!!
ALL cloth is shipped "FOLDED", not rolled.

"How much cloth do I need?" - Click Here

My cloth looks good. Should I change it? - Click Here

For information about gluing heavy cloth - Click Here

Item No. HBC - Heavy Bellows Cloth
$128.60/yd.(36" x 60") or $49.29/ft.(12" x 60")

(Outside color varies from time to time.)

The thickness of this heavy cloth is 0.040"-0.044" and the width is 60". An excellent cloth for feeders, exhausters, and reservoirs. Cotton inside and acrylic outside with a high quality inner layer of butyl rubber. Color is normally tan on the inside (cotton side) and a darker color (tan, brown, black, or blue) on the outside (acrylic side). The minimum length is 60 in. regardless of the width. Available in lengths up to TWO YARDS. Also available in 6" wide x 60" long strips for $27.00. Will also sell strips of less than 6" wide for $12.25/sq ft. Example: 3" wide and 60" long strip for $15.31. For tacking the cloth at the corners, ends, and overlaps, we recommend these small tacks. This cloth is also good for making a 'Mandolin Rail' or 'Honky-Tonk' device. We also sell the 'Mandolin Rail Tabs' -click here. To help you identify the 'cotton side' of the cloth -click here. The only recommended glue for gluing this cloth to wood is animal hide glue. To place an order, Click Here. (If ordering strips, specify the required width.)

Item No. PDCC - Peripheral Devices Cloth Cotton $179.50/yd. Or, $64.00/ft. Or, 6" x 57" strips for $35.00
Or, 6" x 27" strips for $21.00

Current color is black/black

This imported general purpose cotton/cotton cloth, with a layer of rubber between, is superb for Air Motors, Tracking Devices, Air Motor Governors, Auto-Sustain, and any other application where a medium weight cloth is required. Thickness is 0.016" and width is 57". Colors vary but quality is consistent. Can be glued to wood with hide glue, plastic glue, or woodworkers glue. Also sold in strips that measure 6" x 27" for $21.00 (specify 'Type-A' when ordering these strips). To place an order, Click Here.

Item No. PDCN - Peripheral Devices Cloth (nylon)....$49.00/yd. or $18.75/ft.

This general purpose nylon cloth is superb for Air Motors, Tracking Devices, Air Motor Governors, Auto-Sustain, and any other application where a medium weight cloth is required. Black nylon on one side with synthetic rubber on the other side. Thickness is 0.007". Width is 60". To place an order, Click Here.

NOTE: The outside of the cloth is the textured nylon side. The inside is the 'rubber' side. The rubber side gets glued to the wood. The recommended glue for gluing the material to wood is plastic glue.

Item No. CBSPC - Cotton-backed Striker Pneumatic Cloth.... $165.00/yd. Or $60.50/ft.
Also available in 6" x 27" strips for $16.65

This is excellent quality rubberized cotton-backed cloth. It is 0.007" thick and 56" wide. This cloth is very supple. The estimated lifespan of the cloth is 35-40 years. The recommended glue for gluing the material to wood is hot hide glue. Some wrinkling and/or creasing may occur as a result of folding for shipping. This does not adversely effect performance. For detailed information about the cloth, click here. To place an order, Click Here. For information about the amount of cloth that will most likely be needed per stack, see: How Much Cloth

Item No. NSPC - Nylon Striker Pneumatic Cloth.... $60.00/yd. or $23.00/ft.
Color of the cloth is Black/Black

This is high quality nylon bellows cloth. It is 0.004" thick and 58" wide. This cloth is very flexible. The estimated lifespan of the cloth is 35-40 years. The recommended glue for gluing the material to wood is plastic glue. To place an order, Click Here. For information about the amount of cloth that will most likely be needed per stack, see: How Much Cloth

Premium Hide Glue

This is not your grandfather's animal hide glue. This glue was brought to our attention by Craig Brougher, a leading specialist in automatic musical instrument restoration, for use in rebuilding all types of automatic musical instruments. The gram weight strength of the glue is 180-220 grams. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back!!!

Sold in minimum One-Half Pound Bags for $9.50 per bag. One-Pound Bags for $18.00. Five-Pound Bags for $80.00. Click Here for the Complete Instructions on How to Prepare and Use This Glue.

To place an order, Click Here.

NOTE: A convenient applicator for hot hide glue is the 8 oz. squeeze bottle.

Due to the possibility of freezing, shipping during the Winter is not recommended. (See Note)
Phenoseal - Plastic Sealer


For sealing porous wood. Dries clear and seals the smallest cracks or pin-hole leaks 100% with just one application. Can be brushed or poured and drained. It is strongly recommended that any internal surfaces which are exposed to vacuum be coated with this product. Phenoseal is slightly plastic and will stretch and contract with changes in temperature and humidity without cracking or pulling away, as is the case with the original shellac or varnish sealers. Phenoseal will stick to the original sealers, so removing them is not necessary. Phenoseal remains slightly tacky, so DO NOT coat a surface that a valve will seat on. (Read my article in the Mechanical Music Digest -click here.) Sold in 8 oz. plastic bottles for $21.00. This product is a proprietary blend that is only available at Player-Care. The recommended temperature for using Phenoseal is 65-75 degrees F. Normal shelf life is 6-9 months.. Also, check out the "Hypo-Oiler" for $8.45 with any size order -click here To place an order, Click Here. .

If Phenoseal freezes, it becomes worthless. So, if you order it during the Winter, you are, by default, responsible for the consequences. You have been warned!

Leather Nuts

High Quality Leather Nuts for all types of uses. The holes cut in the center may have to be enlarged for a specific diameter of threaded rod. Existing holes are primarily provided for centering, to make it easy to drill out. To place an order, Click Here.

Stock NO. Size Hole Dia. each per 100
603A 3/16" .058 $0.55 $45.00
603B 1/4" .070 $0.44 $37.60
603C 5/16" .070 $0.43 $36.72
603D 3/8" .086 $0.56 $49.10
603E 7/16" .0635 $0.50 $44.00
603F 1/2" .0635 $0.52 $46.00

How to size and install leather nuts
Felt Washers and Punchings

High Quality Felt Washers for use between leather nuts and wooden flange fingers and metal or wooden linkages of any type. Felt Punchings are used on wooden buttons, stickers, and fingers for quieting and bumpering. Slightly compressible. Center hole in the felt washers will expand easily to fit most applications. To place an order, Click Here.

Stock No. Color I.D. O.D Thickness per Dozen per 100
873 (woven) red 1/32" 3/8" 1/16" $2.15 $14.33
332F (woven) red 1/8" 15/32" 3/64" $2.10 $14.00
872 (woven) red 1/8" 3/8" 5/64" $4.30 $28.75
876 (woven) green none 3/8" 1/8" $3.25 $21.50
1838 (woven) brown none 7/16" 3/32" $4.05 $26.81
332C (woven) white 7/64" 15/32" 5/64" $2.10 $14.00
Flap Valve Leather (Strips)

We stock strips of flap valve leather for the main exhauster bellows in player pianos. The strips measure 2-1/2" x 12" and cost $9.50 each. We also have strips for reed organ exhauster bellows which measure 2-1/2" x 15", and sell for $13.25 each. And, we also have strips that measure 2-1/4" x 14", which sell for $11.00 each. All flap leather is 0.055"-0.060" thick. Also, we accept orders for custom-cut flaps as narrow as 1-1/4" and as long as 15". Cost will be $0.45 per square inch. To place an order, Click Here. (Specify size and number of strips)

For a secure bond, it is recommended that you rough up the shiny side of the leather with sandpaper before gluing the end wood to the flap. When securing the flap to the bellows, attach the spring first, then position the flap over the holes and tack in the middle tack first.
Mandolin Rail Tabs

"Mandolin Rail Tabs are now available at Player-Care. These are the type that simply squeeze onto the medium-heavy bellows cloth with a pair of pliers. There are 100 tabs per envelope, and the cost per 100 is $19.90. To place an order, Click Here. To read information about the mandolin rail, click here

Player Piano Hinges
(Flip-Board Hinges)

Part No.SizeEach3 Per Set
IH-2 (nickel plated)1" x 3/8"$21.90$59.13
IH-3 (nickel plated)1-11/16" x 3/8"$21.90$59.13
IH-3B (dull brass plated)1-11/16" x 3/8"$21.90$59.13
IH-4 (dull brass)1-1/2" x 1/2"$21.90$59.13
Each hinge comes with four new screws. To place an order, Click Here.
Tubing Elbows (Small)

Brass Elbows for Player Pianos

Size O.D.PricePer DozenPer HundredNotes
5/32" BR$3.25$35.10$260.00
3/16" BR$3.95$42.72$316.00
7/32" AL$2.05$23.37$184.50
3/8" AL$3.25$33.15N/A
1/2" BR$4.25$43.35
Picture of 1/2" elbow

"BR" designates elbows that are made from brass. "AL" designates elbows made from aluminum. To place an order, Click Here.

Straight Nipples
(Brass Tubing Connectors)

Straight Nipples and Tubing Connectors for Player Pianos
Using straight nipples to make reducing nipples

Size O.D.LengthPricePer Hundred

To place an order, Click Here.

Ladder Chain

Ladder Chain for Player Pianos

"Ladder Chain" is now available at Player-Care. This is the most common size used in player pianos for the air motor and the transmission. It is made from high tensile nickel-plated steel. Will not stretch or rust. There are 42 links per foot. The cost per foot is $6.75. To place an order, Click Here.

"T" and "Y" Tubing Connectors

Small Plastic Y ConnectorSmall Plastic Y Connector

These connectors are used in various locations in player pianos and orchestrions when valves need to be activated in or from multiple locations, i.e. two different ports on the trackerbar or by a pushbutton and a port on the trackerbar. The inside diameter of all these connectors is larger than a trackerbar hole. The plastic "T" or "Y" connectors for 5/32" ID trackerbar tubing are $0.85 each. The plastic "T" connectors for 3/16" ID or 7/32" ID control tubing are $0.90 each and have an ID of 0.113". (Same connector works for both sizes of tubing.) Specify 5/32" or 7/32" when ordering. To place an order, Click Here.

Special 3/8 in 'T' (w/5/32 in. leg) Connector

Special T Connector

These connectors are used in various locations in player pianos and orchestrions when in-line vacuum testing is necessary or desired. These are custom-made for Player-Care, and are not available in any other marketplace. The cost per piece is $17.50. To place an order, Click Here.

Regular 3/8" 'T' Connector
8/17/24 only 2 brass connectors left

3/8 in. Brass T Connector 3/8 in. Poly T Connector

These brass connectors are used in various locations in player pianos and orchestrions when tapping into an existing vacuum supply line. These are custom-made for Player-Care, and are not available in any other marketplace. The cost per piece is $13.50. Also available in Poly-P-T for $3.10 each. Specify 'brass' or 'poly' when ordering. To place an order, Click Here.

Take-Up Spool
Currently: We are not accepting new orders for this item at this time

Measures 13" end-to-end and 11-1/2" between the end flanges. Identical in size to the ones in modern Aeolian players with the Standard Pneumatic Player Action, with an Ampico-style 'positive-release' end tab hook. These spools are now being made to order. The average turn-around time is normally about two (2) weeks.

"Take-Up Spools" are now being made at Player-Care for $119.50 each. They have a bass wood core with steel or plastic flanges. Plastic flanges are an additional $5.00. No other dealer in America sells new take-up spools!! Allow two weeks for delivery. Standard color is Black Core with steel flanges painted Silver or Gold, or Black or Clear plastic flanges (Please Specify When Ordering). Custom colors, including natural wood, available for an additional $18.00 (allow one extra week for delivery).

For Custom Wood Parts, try Frank Edmunds

Left EndRight EndEnd Tab Hook
Ampico Transmission Frame

Aluminum Ampico Transmission Frame

"Ampico Transmission Frames" are now available at Player-Care. This is the frame that is found in every Ampico A reproducing player piano. The frame is made of 6061 aluminum. Excellent craftsmanship to exacting specifications. Cost is $185.00. To place an order, Click Here.

When putting the small shaft in, make sure all parts are on the shaft, and support transmission on wooden block when driving shaft into the small gear.

Ampico Motor Mounts (SEE *NOTE*)

Ampico Rubber Motor Mounts

"Ampico Rubber Motor Mounts" are now available at Player-Care. These parts are made from high quality synthetic rubber. Color may vary from black to white. Specifically made as replacements for the original motor mounts which are often cracking or deteriorated. Only available in sets of four. Cost: $52.00. *NOTE*: Holes for the rods are drilled out, but the holes for the screws are NOT drilled out. (Screws holes are easily drilled out using your bracket as a guide and a standard drill bit and an electric drill.) Colors vary from dark gray to white. To place an order, Click Here.

Ampico A/B Block Valve Springs

Ampico A/B Block Valve Springs

"Ampico B Block Valve Springs" parts are now available at Player-Care. Made from high quality spring steel. They are identical to the springs found in the Ampico B system. Considered by professionals to be far superior to the solid springs found in the Ampico A system because they apply a more uniform pressure to the wooden block valve. Highly recommended for replacements when rebuilding an Ampico A. Cost: $1.35 each. Sets of 50 for $60.00. To place an order, Click Here.

Ampico A Pump Spill Valve Spring
Ampico A Pump Spill Valve Springs

"Ampico A Pump Spill Valve Springs" are now available at Player-Care. Made from high quality spring steel. They are specifically designed and fabricated to replace the often over-stretched springs found in virtually all Ampico A rotary vacuum pumps. After years of testing, it was found that the non-linearity of most Ampico expression systems was directly related to the non-linearity of the pump spring. Cost: $11.00 each for the "A" springs (two required). The "A" spring should also be used to replace the often over-stretched Ampico "A" crescendo spring. To place an order, Click Here.

7/8" - 1" Vacuum-Operated Pouch Setter (PS-001)

Vacuum-Operated Pouch Setter Tool
Vacuum-Operated Pouch Setter ToolVacuum-Operated Pouch Setter Tool

For those who want to do the job correctly, this tool is indispensable. This pouch setter will work on a variety of player systems with a 7/8" to a 1" diameter pouch well and up to a 1-1/4" outside diameter. It has a standard 1/8" dish. The high cost is due primarily to the sharp increase in blocks of aluminum, from which these are manufactured, and the labor cost to have them custom made. Cost: $63.00 each. To place an order, Click Here.

How to use this tool

13/16" Vacuum-Operated Pouch Setter (PS-002)

Vacuum-Operated Pouch Setter Tool

For those who want to do the job correctly, this tool is indispensable. This pouch setter was primarily made for the small (or primary) pouches in the Standard Double-Valve player action. The outside diameter of the tool is 1-3/16" and the diameter of the 'dish' (or pouch well) portion is 13/16". The dip is set to the standard 1/8". Cost: $35.00 each. To place an order, Click Here.

1-1/8" Vacuum-Operated Pouch Setter (PS-003)

Vacuum-Operated Pouch Setter Tool

For those who want to do the job correctly, this tool is indispensable. This pouch setter is for pouches where the diameter of the pouch well is 1-1/8". The outside diameter of the tool is 1-3/8". The dip is set to the standard 1/8". Cost: $39.00 each. To place an order, Click Here.

1-5/16" Vacuum-Operated Pouch Setter (PS-004)

Vacuum-Operated Pouch Setter Tool

For those who want to do the job correctly, this tool is indispensable. This pouch setter was primarily made for the large (or secondary) pouches in the Standard Double-Valve player action. The outside diameter of the tool is 1-5/8" and the diameter of the 'dish' (or pouch well) portion is 1-5/16". The dip is set to the standard 1/8". Cost: $42.00 each. To place an order, Click Here.

1-1/4" Vacuum-Operated Pouch Setter (PS-005)

Vacuum-Operated Pouch Setter Tool

For those who want to do the job correctly, this tool is indispensable. This pouch setter is for pouches where the diameter of the pouch well is 1-1/4". The outside diameter of the tool is 1-1/2". The dip is set to the standard 1/8". Cost: $40.00 each. To place an order, Click Here.

15/16" Vacuum-Operated Pouch Setter (PS-006)

Vacuum-Operated Pouch Setter Tool

For those who want to do the job correctly, this tool is indispensable. This pouch setter is for pouches where the diameter of the pouch well is 15/16". The outside diameter of the tool is 1-3/8". The dip is set to the standard 1/8". Cost: $35.00 each. To place an order, Click Here.

Baldwin Vacuum-Operated Pouch Setter (PS-007)

Vacuum-Operated Pouch Setter Tool

For those who want to do the job correctly, this tool is indispensable. This pouch setter is specifically for Baldwin pouches, with the hole in the center. The dip is set to the standard 1/8". Cost: $46.00 each. To place an order, Click Here.

1" Vacuum-Operated Pouch Setter (PS-008)

Vacuum-Operated Pouch Setter Tool

For those who want to do the job correctly, this tool is indispensable. This pouch setter is for pouches where the diameter of the pouch well is 1". The outside diameter of the tool is 1-3/8". The dip is set to the standard 1/8". Cost: $40.00 each. To place an order, Click Here.

Aeolian Vacuum-Operated Pouch Setter (PS-009)

Aeolian Pouch Setter Tool

Aeolian Pouch Setter Tool

For those who want to do the job correctly, this tool is indispensable. This pouch setter is specifically designed for the modern Aeolian plastic valve blocks. The dimensions of the tool are 1-7/16" by 1-3/8" . The dip is set to the standard 1/8". Cost: $40.00 each. To place an order, Click Here.


Vacuum-Operated Pouch Setter ToolVacuum-Operated Pouch Setter ToolVacuum-Operated Pouch Setter Tool

Since the advent of 3-D printing, we have designed and had fabricated a number of special pouch setters. Pictured above are a few of the ones that have been produced. The point is, if you have a special need, it's a good bet that we can accommodate that need. The cost to design and create the CAD file is usually $35.00 -unless the setter is unusually complex. The cost to have the setter printed varies depending on the amount of plastic required, but the minimum cost is $35.00. Also, the printing company charges $11.99 for shipping. To contact us about your special need, fill out the Contact Form.

Outward Pressure 'V' Pedal Return Springs

Outward Pressure 'V' Pedal Return Springs.

Click on Image to see Full Size Picture

These are standard pedal return springs. The larger 8 inch springs have an outward pressure of 12-13 pounds. They are one inch wide at the connected end and 7/16 inch wide at the tip. The cost is $38.00 each. The smaller 6 inch springs have an outward pressure of 8 pounds. They are 3/4 inch at the connected end and 1/2 inch wide at the tip. The cost is $49.00 each. High quality spring steel. Unconditionally guaranteed for five years (does not include shipping). Specify size when ordering. To place an order, Click Here.

Aeolian (modern) Player Piano Power Cord

Aeolian Power Cord.

This is a replacement power cord for all of the modern Aeolian players (1960's-1980's vintage) that have a detachable power cord. It is an 8 ft., 16 gauge, 13 amp, 1625 watt cord that is UL Listed. These cords often get lost when the piano is shipped, and replacements are generally hard-to-find. The cost is $22.00. To place an order, Click Here (Item: Aeolian Power Cord)

Simplex (3-Tier) and WurliTzer Block Valve Gaskets

Simplex and Wurlitzer Block Valve Gaskets.

These die-cut gaskets are made from 1/16" cork. Cost per piece is $0.75 or $65.00/90. To place an order, Click Here.

Flat Pushbutton Springs

Flat Pushbutton Springs.
Flat Pushbutton Springs.

These are the flat spring-steel springs that are found on the pushbutton assembly in many upright player pianos for manual operation of the sustain (or loud pedal) pneumatic, and the bass and treble soft pneumatics. They measure 3-1/2" by 1/2" and are 0.020" thick. The cost is $2.75 per spring. To place an order, Click Here.

Fluted Valve Stems

Fluted Valve Stems

This fluted valve stem stock is available in pieces that are Eight Inches (8") in length at the following prices: #754 (for 5/16" hole): $2.97, #755 (for 3/8" hole): $3.28, #756 (for 7/16" hole): $3.96, #757 (for 1/2" hole): $4.46.

Also, we have some 3/8", 7/16" and 17/32" pieces that were specifically cut for use in the Ampico system which uses a nail to hold the valve facing to the stem. The cost for those stems are $5.75 for the 3/8", $6.00 for the 7/16", and $6.25 for the 17/32".

To place an order, Click Here.

Jig for Recovering Small Bellows
Jan 3, 2025 Temporarily Unavailable

Pneumatic Jig for Small Bellows

This Jig was originally designed by Durrell Armstrong to aid novices and professionals in the recovering of small bellows, or striker pneumatics. However, over the years it has been noted that it also works quite well for medium sized bellows with a span of up to 2-1/4". This is a common measurement for air motor bellows and some air-motor governor bellows. It is completely adjustable for spans of 1" (one inch) to 2-1/4". Selling elsewhere for over $35.00, we offer this time-saving jig for $28.50. For the complete instructions, written by Durrell Armstrong, click here. To place an order, Click Here.

Nelson-Wiggen Decal

Nelson-Wiggen Decal.

In his posting to the Mechanical Music Digest, here's what Don Teach had to say about this decal.

In my search for a perfect Nelson-Wiggen piano decal, I found one on a beautiful, unrestored, pristine machine in Colorado. I am making this decal. It is very expensive to have just one made so I am having a few extra made should anyone need a Nelson-Wiggen decal.

It makes a nice window decal for the rear window of your car also:
non-political, non-sports, not offensive!

This is a standard water-transfer decal. Just soak it water and then apply it to any flat surface. The price is $30.00. To place an order, Click Here.

Brass Bleed Cups

bleed cups.

These are the standard #388 bleed cups that were sold by Player Piano Co. The bleed hole is a #68 drill size. The cup has a 5/32" body, a 13/64" rim, and a depth of 11/64". The price is $1.95 per cup. To place an order, Click Here.

Pedal Webbing for Reed Organs or Hinges

pedal x width=pedal webbing

This is standard pedal webbing used to connect the foot pedals to the exhauster bellows in a reed organ. It can also be used for hinges in large exhauster and reservoir bellows. The material is 2 inches wide, 0.056" thick. White: herringbone weave; extra strong; tightly woven. Price per foot is $3.25. To place an order, Click Here.

Plastic 8 oz. Squeeze Bottle

8 oz squeeze bottle with caps

These 8 oz. plastic squeeze bottles with a tapered tip and a regular cap can be used for many things. However, they work extremely well for using and storing small batches of hot hide glue. For detailed information about "Preparing and Using our Premium Hide Glue crystals -click here. Cost per bottle w/both caps is $7.55. To place an order, Click Here.

Cabretta Leather (Hairsheep)

cabretta leather

Cabretta leather for various applications such reservoir gussets and large pneumatics. $27.50/sq ft. or $0.30/sq in. Minimum cutting fee per piece is $1.50. Available thicknesses: 0.040" and 0.055". Maximum length or width is 24". Example: a 6" x 6" piece will cost $12.30. To place an order, Click Here.

Packing Leather

packing leather

Packing leather for various applications. Beautifully finished and well suited for larger gaskets that get glued on both sides. Made from suede (on both sides) Cow Hides that have been Chrome Tanned. Minimum cutting fee per piece is $1.50. Thickness: 0.040"-0.045". $19.50/sq ft. or $0.20/sq in. Maximum length or width is 24". Example: a 6" x 6" piece will cost $8.70. To place an order, Click Here.

Bushing Cloth (Woven Felt)

High quality bushing felt for various applications. 3" x 8" strip medium weight bushing felt (0.054"): $5.50, 3" x 8" strip light weight bushing felt (0.043"): $5.50. Specify thickness in Comments Box when ordering. To place an order, Click Here.

PianoCorder Tape Deck (PT-100)

These PianoCorder tape decks have been factory reconditioned and come with the same 90 day guarantee that was offered by the company when they were new. The cost is $458.00. To place an order, Click Here.

Pinion Gear for Standard and Autopiano Transmissions

Pinion Gear (#691). 12 tooth. 0.199" center hole. This is the small gear that projects through the side of the spool box and drives the large gear that's attached to the take-up spool. Fits on shaft sizes from 0.201"-0.204". The old gear may be removed by clamping the shaft in a vise, heating the gear with a butane or propane torch until red hot, then pulling the gear off with pliers. To install the new gear, we recommend press-fitting the gear onto the shaft with a table vise. First, round the top edge of the shaft slightly. Then square the gear to the shaft and tighten the vise. The cost is $32.00. For an additional $15.00, we will remove the old gear and install the new gear. To place an order, Click Here.

Brass Plated Countersunk Washers

These brass plated countersunk washers are available in three sizes: #6, #8, and #10. The #6 washers are $0.10 each, the #8 washers are $0.12 each, and the #10 are $0.15 each. Also, #6 chrome plated washers are available for $0.12 each. So, it's only advisable to order these when you're ordering other items. To place an order, Click Here.

Hypodermic Syringe for Grease

These small hypodermic syringes are good for those times when you want to apply a small amount of grease or other viscous fluid to a specific spot. They do not, repeat, do not come with a needle. The cost is $2.00. So, it's only advisable to order these when you're ordering other items. To place an order, Click Here.

End Tabs and D-Rings

Each high quality self-adhesive vinyl tab comes with a nickel-plated 'D' ring. (D-rings in the picture are brass. The new ones are nickel-plated.) There are twelve tabs per set and each set comes with twelve D-rings. Tabs and rings are NOT sold separately. Each set costs $10.20. To place an order, Click Here.

Valve Gapping Tool

This simple but effective tool makes setting the gap (or valve travel) to an efficient 0.035" very easy. It can be inserted and withdrawn through a 1/2" or larger diameter hole in the valve cap. The end can be easily filed down for smaller holes, too. Cost is $18.50. To place an order, Click Here.

For more information about setting the valve travel, click here

Lauter-Humana Intake Valve Facing

These are intake valve facings for the Lauter-Humana player piano. They are made out of a special pneumatic cloth that is 0.0065" thick which is very accurately cut with a laser. Cost per facing is $0.50 or $45.00 for a set of 90. Information about rebuilding the block valves is located here. To place an order, Click Here.

Striker Pneumatic Fingers (plastic)
(100 Available)

These are 3-D printed pneumatic fingers for note bellows. Measuring 1-1/2" L x 3/8" W x 3/8" H. The size of the hole is 5/32". Does not include the bushing felt for wire rod. This type of pneumatic finger is most commonly found in Ampico and Amphion actions. Cost is $1.35 ea. To place an order, Click Here.

#1859 Primary Valve Button

Plastic Ampico 'A' Primary Valve Button

This is the primary valve button for the Ampico and Amphion action which occasionally break during the restoring of the valve facings. The new parts are 3-D printed in white plastic. Very flat on the bottom. They are 1/2" in diameter and 5/16" tall, with a 9/64" center hole. The cost is $1.25 each. To place an order, Click Here. There are 50 plastic ones available as of 8/31/2019.

For Custom Wood Parts, try Frank Edmunds

Aeolian (modern) Hammer Return Springs

One of the more common problems with the modern Aeolian line of player pianos involves the hammer return springs. These springs break indiscriminately. While no one knows for certain why they break, most agree that it's because of either metal fatigue or corrosion (due to the felt under the coil). Making matters worse, these springs are not readily available because they are much shorter than regular hammer return springs. Cost is $0.35 each, $3.60/dozen, or $26.00/100. To place an order, Click Here.

Spring Rail Felt

This is standard spring rail felt that's found in virtually all upright pianos. The strips measure 13/16" wide, 1/8" thick, and 52" long. Cost is $7.65 per strip. Also available in shorter lengths for $1.95/foot. To place an order, Click Here.

Bass Strings (full set)

This is a set of 42 new bass strings for a 1917 5 ft. 2-1/2 in. Aeolian/Duo-Art grand piano (serial number VR 52299). There are 14 sub-bass and 28 bi-chord strings. The longest winding on the longest string (#1 -note A1) is 39-1/2" in length. They were manufactured by Mapes Piano String Co. and are valued at $252.00. They are for sale for $150.00! There is only one set available. Specify "Aeolian Bass Strings" when ordering. To order, Click Here. (Other parts for this piano are available. Contact John Tuttle for details.)

Small Tacks for large bellows

These small tacks can be used for holding down the corners and ends of heavy bellows cloth, when gluing the cloth to exhausters and reservoirs. The 3/8" steel tacks are available for $3.00/100 or $14.00/500. We also offer 5/16" copper tacks for $4.15/100 or $2.50/50. These are the same tacks that were used in rotary pumps like the Duo-Art. Specify type (steel or copper) and amount desired when ordering. To order, Click Here.

Powdered Graphite

We are now selling Microfyne Powdered Graphite in a Zip-Lock baggie for $1.00 per gram (which is a little less than a teaspoon). If you want it in a small plastic container with a twist cap (which holds a gram), the additional charge will be $1.15. A larger container, which holds up to 15 grams, costs $3.85. Specify what you want when ordering. To order, Click Here.

Flanged Fitting 1-1/4" OD

This is a standard 1-1/4" flanged vacuum supply fitting that's commonly found in modern player pianos and electric vacuum pump kits. It is made out of cast aluminum. The flange is 2-1/4" in diameter and there are three holes for mounting screws. Cost is $17.50 ea. Ships in a USPS Small Flat Rate Box. A 1/16" thick closed cell neoprene gasket is also available for an additional $1.50. To order, Click Here.

Vacuum Operated Electric Switch

These are the sensor switches that were used in the modern player pianos manufactured by Story & Clark. They operate on five inches of water vacuum (5" WC). These switches were never available publically. They are an OEM device that was made by Micro Pneumatic Logic, Inc. for Story & Clark. Beware of similar switches sold on eBay that operate on much higher vacuum levels. There is a very limited number of these switches available. The cost is $55.00 each. To order, Click Here.

Reducing Nipples (Aluminum)

These are 0.200" to 0.156" (5/32") aluminum reducing nipples. They are one inch (1") in length. They were specially made for those who are replacing the lead trackerbar tubing in a Standard player stack, for where the lead tubing goes into the stack. Individually, they sell for $1.65. Or, buy 90 or more for $1.32 each - that's a 20% discount. To view a YouTube video about installing a reducing nipple -click here. To order, Click Here.

Reducing Nipples

These are 7/32" to 5/32" reducing nipples. They are used in a few places in reproducing pianos and are occasionally found in regular players. They sell for $2.85 each. Very limited stock available. To order, Click Here.

Dow Corning 111 Sealant (Silicone Grease)

Dow Corning 111 Silicon Grease is a space-age product, used on satellites in outer space, and it doesn't evaporate. It's also a very large molecule and doesn't soak deeply into wood, rendering it unglue-able, as do animal oils. It's a very friendly material for sealing pouches when thinned properly.

As Craig Brougher states in his excellent article, 'How To Make Sensitive Pouches', "I spent the time required to try out all this stuff to see what really was the best, overall. I'll happily put my money on silicone grease." Each 'pillow-pack' contains just over 6 grams (0.22 oz.) of grease. That's enough to make just over 6 fluid ounces of pouch sealant.

The cost is $3.85 per pack. To order, Click Here.

Plastic Glue
Due to the possibility of freezing, shipping during the Winter is not recommended. (See Note)

Plastic glue is the only glue that is recommended for gluing nylon cloth to wood. The cost for 8 fluid ounces of the glue is $12.00. Comes in a plastic squeeze bottle and a tapered tip for easy glue application.

Using this glue is much easier than using hot animal hide glue. Besides the fact that there's no preparation needed, you have a little more time to make slight adjustments in the positioning of the cloth. Also, trimming is much easier because the glue doesn't get 'rock hard' like other types of wood glues. For more information about the glue, click here and here. However, for gluing cotton-backed cloth to wood, we always recommend using animal hide glue. To see why, click here.

To place an order, Click Here. Specify "Plastic Glue". Only sold in 8 oz. bottles. .

IMPORTANT NOTICE!! If Plastic glue freezes, it becomes worthless. So, if you order it during freezing weather, you are, by default, responsible for the consequences. You have been warned! (Product freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit.) To see images of what the glue looks like after it has thawed out, click here.

Kimball (1920's) 'Screw-In' Valve Seat

These replacement parts were machined one-at-a-time by a machinist. They are truly "hand made in America". There are only 50 of these available and they are $10.00 each. To place an order, Click Here.

Kimball (1920's) 'Screw-In' Valve Seat w/Bar

These replacement parts were 3-D printed. There are only 100 of these available. For more information, Click Here.

Tempo Indicator Plates

These replacement parts measure 3-1/2" x 1-1/2". The mounting holes are spaced about 3" apart. When ordering, specify 'Black-on-Silver' or 'Silver-on-Black'. Cost is $22.00 each. To place an order, Click Here.

Gulbransen Cap Removal Tool

This tool was designed to help in the removal of the wooden exhaust cap. As can be seen in the picture above, these caps are often damaged beyond repair because they typically get pried off with a putty knife or chisel. With this tool, the part gets 'shocked' off by a light blow with a hammer. While not 100% effective, it is a vast improvement over previous methods. The tool is made from 1/8" laser-cut steel, and polished to remove sharp edges. Cost is $18.50. To place an order, Click Here.

For Custom Wood Parts, try Frank Edmunds

Amphion Tempo Slide Plate

This is the Tempo Slide Plate inside the Amphion Air Motor Governor. The original plates were made of a celluloid material that cracks or distorts as it ages. The new part is made from Acetal. Cost is $20.00. To place an order, Click Here.

Piano-Lodeon Drive Belt

This is the replacement drive belt for the Piano-Lodeon toy piano. The original belt is usually dried out or broken. The belt is approximately 31" in length (9-3/4" ID/10" OD). Cost is $14.85. To place an order, Click Here.

Vacuum Gauge

This is a professional quality vacuum gauge from Marshalltown. It comes just as you see it in the picture. The special adapter allows you to place the gauge over almost any size piece of tubing or fitting. The hole in the bottom of the adapter is 3/16". The accuracy of the gauge is rated at +/- 1% of the range across the middle half of the scale. While the gauge in this picture is a 0-60" gauge, a 0-100" gauge is also available at the same price. Cost is $118.00. To place an order, Click Here. Replacement adapters are also available for $19.00 plus shipping.

Felt Pedal Cover

Felt Pedal Cover with Ties. Green Felt with Red Ties and stitching. For standard piano pedals. Cost: $3.00 each. To place an order, Click Here.

Pouch Springs (Straight)

Occasionally, these 3/8" x 1-5/8" light weight phosphor bronze springs are needed for various reasons. The two wire sizes are 0.014" (extra light) and 0.016" (light). When depressed to 1/2 of their full length, they exert about 35 grams and 50 grams of pressure respectively. Cost: $0.65 each. To place an order, Click Here.

WHAT IS A RUNNING FOOT OR YARD OF CLOTH? Bellows cloth is NOT sold by the Square Yard or Square Foot. We buy 'bolts' or rolls of cloth from the manufacturer. The width of the bolt varies from one type of cloth to another but, generally speaking, the bolt is 58"-60" wide. So, if you buy one running foot of heavy cloth, you get a piece that measures 60" by 12". If you buy one yard of striker pneumatic cloth, you get a piece that measures 58" x 36".

Return to Cloth Selections


Additional Business Information

All Orders MUST BE Paid in Full before they are shipped. Have a question? Call 732-840-8787 (8AM-8PM EST Mon-Sat) or send an E-Mail to: John A Tuttle. Please Allow 2-3 Weeks for Special Orders.

As a general rule, orders are processed between 8:30AM-5:30PM EST (Mon-Sat). Generally speaking, orders received after 12:00PM EST will go out the next day (except Sunday). If I have a problem with your order, I will contact you via E-Mail (or by Phone) and ask for clarification or a confirmation. .

How can I pay for the order?

At the present time, we are accepting payment by credit card, personal check, or money order.

To pay by check or money order, make payable to:

John A. Tuttle
407 19th Ave
Brick, NJ

How much is the shipping?

The cost of shipping varies with the size of the order and the final destination. As of October 8, 2024, the minimum shipping charge is $10.95. For a more detailed explanation of the shipping charge -click here-. For your own safety, it is recommended that you purchase insurance. If you have questions, Click Here to send me an E-mail. Unless otherwise requested, all orders are sent by USPS Priority Mail/w Delivery Confirmation.

As of January 19, 2021: Once a parcel has been received by the carrier, Player-Care is in no way liable for its safe arrival. If the parcel gets damaged, lost, or stolen, you will have to deal with the carrier. All we can do is provide proof that the item was received by the carrier and the value of the contents. Also, we will note the value of the order when we process the shipping label. However, that will be of little value if the order isn't insured.

Again, since the customer is the person who is paying for the postage and/or buying the insurance, it is the customer's responsibility to file a claim with USPS should that become necessary. However, Player-Care will gladly supply all the information we have with regards to the items purchased and the value of those items.

What about Defective or Returned Goods?

If merchandise is defective, I will refund your money plus the shipping costs related to that item.

If you purchased the wrong product or decide that you don't want it, it can be returned within 90 days for a refund or credit minus a 15% re-stocking fee. Also, you will not be reimbursed for the shipping costs. Items that are cut to a specific size/length are not returnable unless the size is deemed common or average. Examples: One foot of cloth is a normal width. Six inches of tubing is NOT returnable. Small items cut to your specifications are NOT returnable.
..To Top of the Page


The difference between Phenoseal and Plastic glue is that Plastic glue is a glue. Phenoseal is much thinner (almost like water) and it is a wood sealer.

Return to the Player-Care Home Page

This page was last revised on January 27, 2025 by John A. Tuttle.

Although I prefer that you send me an E-Mail, you can also reach me at 732-840-8787. If I'm in the shop or the office and I can stop working, I will answer the phone. Otherwise, please leave a message.

As per the Fair Credit Billing Act, your bank cannot hold you liable for more than $50.00 of fraudulent credit card charges. PLAYER-CARE will pay the $50.00 if the unauthorized use of your card resulted from a purchase made through our site. We are so confident of the security measures we've put in place, we'll also pay you an additional $25.00 just for the inconvenience!

Disclaimer: Player-Care assumes no liability with regards to the suitability of any product sold at this web site. In other words, how you use the product is up to you. Player-Care is only liable for the quality of the item, and any product that is found to be defective will gladly be replaced.

Since "Player-Care" is an internet business, I prefer that we correspond via E-Mail (click here to fill out the 'Request Form'). However, if I'm not in the middle of some other activity, you can reach me at 732-840-8787. But please understand that during the hours from 8AM-5PM EST (Mon-Sat), I'm generally quite busy. So, I probably won't answer the phone. If you get the answering machine, please leave a detailed message stating the reason for your call. Also, repeat your name and phone number clearly and distinctly. By necessity, I prioritize everything in my life. And, if you call and just leave your name and number, and ask me to call you back, it might be a day or two before I return your call. Why? Because I don't know why you want me to call and I might not be prepared to assist you in an effective and efficient manner. If you leave me an E-Mail address (which I prefer), spell it out phonetically. The more you do to help me, the more I can help you in return. Don't rush. You have four minutes to record your message.

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407 19th Ave, Brick, NJ, 08724
Phone Number 732-840-8787
(Voicemail Only, No Texts)
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