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Technical Articles
from the
Tuners' Journal
(Circa 1926-1928)

Courtesy of Larry Lobel

Below is the listing of a number of articles, written primarily by Wilberton Gould, that appeared in the Tuners' Journal back in the late 1920's. Scanned images of the original articles were sent to Player-Care by Larry Lobel in September 2005. Through the magic of OCR (ocular character recognition) software, the images were converted to text files and later edited and formatted into web pages. It is believed that the information contained in these articles is worthy of being archived for future generations, and our personal thanks goes out to Larry for considering Player-Care an appropriate place to house these articles. Upon request, the original images will be sent to any interested party.

"Air, What It Is and What It Does" (November 1927)

"How and Why a Valve Activates a Striking Pneumatic" (Pt I, Cont. from November 1927)

"Valves - And the Various Units of the Player Action" (Pt II, Cont. from January 1928)

"Valves - And the Various Units of the Player Action" (Pt III, Cont. from February 1928)

"Electric Motors" (Cont. from March 1928))

"Electric Expression Pianos" (Cont. from April 1928)

"Electric Reproducing Pianos -The Artecho" (Cont. from June 1928)

"Electric Reproducing Pianos -The Artecho" (Cont. from July 1928)

"Electric Reproducing Pianos -The Artecho" (Cont. from October 1928)

"Electric Reproducing Pianos -The Duo-Art" (Cont. from November 1928)

"Electric Reproducing Pianos -The Duo-Art" (Cont. from December 1928)

"Electric Reproducing Pianos -The Duo-Art" (Cont. from February 1929)

"Electric Reproducing Pianos -The Duo-Art" (Cont. from March 1929)

"Rebuilding the Old Player" (from December 1926)

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John A Tuttle

This page was created on September 6, 2005 by John A. Tuttle, who Assumes No Liability
For The Accuracy or Validity of the Statements and/or Opinions
Expressed within the Pages of the Player-Care Domain.
Cartoon Graphics by "Eric Styles"
This page was last revised on March 9, 2021 by John A, Tuttle.

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